Virtualna platforma za zaposlovanje: Kjer Employer Branding ustvarja razliko.
Virtualna platforma za zaposlovanje: Kjer Employer Branding ustvarja razliko.
Skupaj lahko ustvarimo boljši trg dela. Pridružite se nam in povejte svojo zgodbo od 15. do 22. oktobra 2024.
Največji regionalni zaposlitveni sejem vam ponuja več kot zgolj objavo prostega delovnega mesta.
Predstavite svoje podjetje po celotni regiji in najdite idealnega kandidata zase.
Vse, kar potrebujete, je internet, napravo pa izberite sami
Multimedia experience
Multimedijska izkušnja – Video, fotografije, besedila, izkušnje, zgodbe – prebudite čutila obiskovalcev
Fleksibilnost – Obiske sprejemamo 24/7. S kandidati se pogovarjajte v realnem času preko chata
Employer Branding
Employer Branding – okrepite svoj ugled zaželenega delodajalca, pritegnite pozornost 7.200.000 potencialnih kandidatov
ECO sustainability
EKO trajnost – Varujmo okolje in zmanjšajmo emisije CO2, saj je transport odgovoren za približno četrtino vseh emisij CO2
Postavite svojo platformo, kot vam najbolj ustreza. Ustvarite profil podjetja, dodajte fotografije in/ali video posnetke, izkušnje zaposlenih, izpostavite prednosti, objavite oglase in začnite pogovor s kandidati prek klepeta.
Postanite zlati, srebrni ali bronasti razstavljavec in poiščite svojega prihodnjega sodelavca ali sodelavko. Odprite svoja vrata iskalcem zaposlitve iz celotne regije, mi pa vam bomo za vsako dodatno stojnico v drugi državi dali ustrezen popust.
Extended media campaign in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Presence on all channels: radio, web and social networks. Promotion of the company in a radio commercial.
2.045 €
VAT is not included in the price
Number of published ads on (Bosnia and Herzegovina) 15
No. of modules (possibility of choosing between: 1. Profile; 2. Photo gallery; 3. Jobs; 4. Chat; 5. Why us (employee experiences, benefits and conveniences)?) 5
Possibility of uploading video material Da
Special - custom made - stand design Da
Advanced online media campaign in Bosnia and Herzegovina
1.790 €
VAT is not included in the price
Number of published ads on (Bosnia and Herzegovina) 10
No. of modules (possibility of choosing between: 1. Profile; 2. Photo gallery; 3. Jobs; 4. Chat; 5. Why us (employee experiences, benefits and conveniences)?) 4
Possibility of uploading video material Ne
Special - custom made - stand design Ne
Basic online media campaign in Bosnia and Herzegovina
1.278 €
VAT is not included in the price
Number of published ads on (Bosnia and Herzegovina) 5
No. of modules (possibility of choosing between: 1. Profile; 2. Photo gallery; 3. Jobs; 4. Chat; 5. Why us (employee experiences, benefits and conveniences)?) 3
Possibility of uploading video material Ne
Special - custom made - stand design Ne
Expanded media campaign. Presence on all channels: radio, web and social networks. Promotion of the company in radio advertising.
3.840 €
VAT is not included in the price
Number of positions on MojPosao (Croatia) 7
Number of positions on the PosLovac mobile application 7
No. of modules (possibility of choosing between: 1. Profile; 2. Photo gallery; 3. Jobs; 4. Chat; 5. Why us (employee experiences, benefits and conveniences)?) 5
Possibility of uploading video material Da
Special - custom made - stand design Da
Presence on radio stations, the web and social networks. Highlighting in the employee newsletter.
2.520 €
VAT is not included in the price
Number of positions on MojPosao (Croatia) 5
Number of positions on the PosLovac mobile application 5
No. of modules (possibility of choosing between: 1. Profile; 2. Photo gallery; 3. Jobs; 4. Chat; 5. Why us (employee experiences, benefits and conveniences)?) 4
Possibility of uploading video material Ne
Special - custom made - stand design Ne
Predstavljanje tvrtke velikom broju tražitelja posla. Prisutnost na društvenim mrežama i radio postajama.
1.860 €
VAT is not included in the price
Number of positions on MojPosao (Croatia) 3
Number of positions on the PosLovac mobile application 3
No. of modules (possibility of choosing between: 1. Profile; 2. Photo gallery; 3. Jobs; 4. Chat; 5. Why us (employee experiences, benefits and conveniences)?) 3
Possibility of uploading video material Ne
Special - custom made - stand design Ne
1.690 €
VAT is not included in the price
Publication of an unlimited number of advertisements on the portal
Ekskluzivan štand s pozadinom izrađenom po mjeri
Interaktivni štand sa 5 elemenata (profil tvrtke, video i galerija, ponude poslova, chat i zašto mi (iskustva zaposlenika, pogodnosti i beneficije)
Possibility of uploading video material
Extended marketing campaign + additional campaign of PR texts
1.090 €
VAT is not included in the price
Publish 10 ads on the portal
Visually larger and more prominent stand
Interaktivni štand s 4 elementa (izbor 4 od 5 mogućih elemenata: profil tvrtke, video i galerija, ponude poslova, chat i zašto mi (iskustva zaposlenika, pogodnosti i beneficije))
Possibility of uploading video material
Expanded marketing campaign
730 €
VAT is not included in the price
Publish 6 ads on the portal
Interaktivni štand s 3 elementa (izbor od 3 od 5 mogućih elemenata: profil tvrtke, video i galerija, ponude poslova, chat i zašto baš mi (iskustva zaposlenika, pogodnosti i beneficije))
Basic marketing campaign
Expanded media campaign. Presence on all channels: radio, web and social networks. Promotion of the company in radio advertising.
3.500 €
VAT is not included in the price
5 modula
Do 20 istaknutih oglasa na naslovnici Deloglasnika (30 dana vidljivosti oglasa)
Postavljanje prezentacijske stranice na Deloglasniku na godinu dana.
Štand dizajniran po uzoru na tvrtku.
Presence on radio stations, the web and social networks. Highlighting in the employee newsletter.
2.500 €
VAT is not included in the price
4 modula
Do 10 istaknutih oglasa na naslovnoj stranici (30 dana vidljivosti oglasa)
Postavljanje prezentacijske stranice na Deloglasniku na godinu dana.
Štand dizajniran po uzoru na tvrtku.
Predstavljanje tvrtke velikom broju tražitelja posla. Prisutnost na društvenim mrežama i radio postajama.
1.500 €
VAT is not included in the price
3 modula
Do 5 istaknutih oglasa na naslovnoj stranici (30 dana vidljivosti oglasa)
Postavljanje prezentacijske stranice na Deloglasniku na godinu dana.
Štand dizajniran po uzoru na tvrtku.
2.180 € / r.p. 1.965 €
VAT is not included in the price
Neograničen broj oglasa.
Prezentacija tvrtke.
Foto i video galerija.
Grupna LinkedIn promocija.
Regionalno izvješće o tržištu rada.
Istaknutija promocija na mrežama organizatora.
Vizualno veći i istaknutiji štand.
Pogodnosti i iskustva zaposlenika.
Razgovarajte s kandidatima.
1 ad of your choice (FB 3 days).
1.270 € / r.p. 1.145 €
VAT is not included in the price
Ograničen broj oglasa.
Prezentacija tvrtke.
Foto i video galerija.
Grupna LinkedIn promocija.
Regionalno izvješće o tržištu rada.
Istaknutija promocija na mrežama organizatora.
Vizualno veći i istaknutiji štand.
Pogodnosti i iskustva zaposlenika.
Razgovarajte s kandidatima.
1 ad of your choice (FB 3 days).
Pridobite popust z razstavljanjem v več državah
2 državi =
3 države =
4 države =
5 držav =
"The regional job fair pleasantly surprised us with the kindness and speed of the MojPosao team, and then the number and quality of applications."
“The Regional Job Fair was a novelty for our company in 2022 and pleasantly surprised us. First of all, with the effectiveness, kindness and speed of the Moj Posao team, and then with the number and quality of applications for the published vacancies. The results of the Fair were crucial for us in preparing for the 2023 season, and we are certainly looking forward to new joint projects. I highly recommend the Regional Job Fair to anyone who wants an active presence on the market, a large number of candidates and a quick response.”
"Virtual career and knowledge days 2015 gave us the opportunity to present our job offer and Kaufland's advantages as an employer through a very dynamic and interactive medium, close to today's job seekers. We believe that the Fair is an excellent platform for connecting supply and demand on the local labor market."
"We are proud of the fast and digitalized processes we use in the recruitment process at Transcom. We strive to provide job candidates with open and transparent communication at all times. That is why we have found the ideal partner in the Regional Job Fair - a platform that visitors can access digitally and easily and quickly find out everything they are interested in about working at Transcom. Year after year, we are happy to participate and support the Fair!"
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